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MCHA Marine Wall Weekly Update 11/9/2022

Approvals and information from Dominion Energy

1. Caleb Wright, SCP, had a discussion with Dominion Energy and it has been \

determined two rectifiers can be placed along each side of the transformer with 3-foot

clearance. Rectifiers cannot be placed directly in front of the transformers as this is the

access area for transformer maintenance/repairs.

2. We are setting up a mock-up rectifier with landscape screening for the WDCA ARC

to view/approve, this includes placement of two rectifiers beside each transformer. Due

to the storm this will be delayed until next week.

The project timeline was reviewed, with variables that remain

1. The Design Build Amendment will be completed shortly, which will be reviewed for

approval by the MCHA Board.

2. The survey and location crews will be performing the survey/locating of utilities next

and will begin landscape removal along the wall in Morgan Place within 2-3 weeks.

Those owners will be notified directly.

3. The landscape contractors will begin pouring concrete pads for the rectifiers shortly


4. Rectifiers are being delivered to be painted in the next 2 weeks. Charleston Green

was chosen to blend in with the landscape screening.

5. The rectifier/cathodic project, and the wall coating portion of the project will begin

simultaneously. The project should last approximately 7-8 months (weather conditions



1. The coating costs are approximately 20% higher than projected, fortunately there is

a cost savings decrease of 20% in the cathodic portion of the project due to re-design.

2. Electrical breakers for each rectifier were planned, however, it turns out the rectifier

has an internal breaker, so no additional breaker is needed.

Containment during garnet blasting

1. A silt curtain will be installed in the water that will allow containment of material that

drops off the wall.

2. At this time, it is estimated that boats should be about 60 feet from the wall during

blasting and coating stage. Arrangements will be made for relocation of the boats.

Dock access while work is being performed around dock entrances

1. Temporary disconnection of the dock ramps will be required to coat the wall

under the ramps. A design for temporary ramp access is being looked at. The

disconnection of the original ramps from the docks will allow proper coating of the wall

and will be for a one-week period.

Options considered for managing utility lines protruding from the wall under the ramps

1. Options considered and will most likely be managed with large PVC conduits/

padding underneath for support. Options may vary based on needs.

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